CV in English: Everything you need to know
In this article you will find everything you need to know about the English CV: when it is best to send such a CV and why, which keywords can catch the employer's attention and help you win an interview, which useful tips are good to apply, as well as an example [...]
How to make a CV: Complete Guide 2023
Everything you need to know about how to make a resume step-by-step. What to write, filling instructions, skeleton, examples, etc.
Job interview: The Ultimate Guide 2023
Everything you need to know to come out on top after a job interview. Trick questions, how to answer them, what to wear and more tips.
Personal brand: how to build your professional identity
In today's world, to succeed in your job search, you need to make a difference. But in order to make a difference, you must first prepare yourself properly. To catch the eye of recruiters, you need a job search plan that focuses on selling yourself and your personal brand, making it easier for employers to [...]
After university... What?
You just graduated and finally got the coveted paper! Excited parents after university already see you as a scientist or business executive. Grandparents, aunts and uncles congratulate you on your success. Excitement is evident in the atmosphere, until the question that will ruin everything is asked: "And now what are you going to do with your life?" [...]
Discover the hidden labour market yourself
Wondering where the jobs went? Were some positions created off the record and never advertised? Maybe it's time to talk about the hidden job market. Hiring may have decreased due to the economic crisis, but lately we have noticed that the market is starting to open up while most positions are not [...]
Catastrophic mistakes you make on your CV that are automatically rejected
Submitting CVs is a process that can take days to months and often without receiving a response. As unemployment in Greece is at a high level (21% for all productive ages and 43% for young people) it is time to find ways to stand out in the [...]
6 job search mistakes and how to avoid them
Even the most experienced job seekers make mistakes sometimes, but in such a competitive market, one small mistake can cost you your dream job. But if you learn how to navigate away from potential pitfalls from the start and discover the hidden doors, then your job search will be more [...]
Survivor Guide to Surviving the Job Market
It would be nice if when we finished university we were given a booklet with the "must do" actions we have to do to survive in the labour market and of course to find a job. Something like a guidebook that would show us how to move, what our career options are. Even more simply we would like to [...]
6+1 secrets to stand out in your next interview
The interview is a process that scares most young candidates. The feeling that every move we make and every answer we give can determine our hiring definitely makes us nervous. But one of the most demanding challenges you face is not only to give a good interview, but to stand out against [...]